Wayne County Campaign Contribution Search
Guide to Searching Wayne County Campaign Contributions
Before You Start
- The current reporting period is pre-selected by default. You can search all contributions by changing it to "Select Contribution Period"
- Start with at least one filter - the system requires it
- Add more filters to narrow results
- Use the "Clear" button to reset all fields
Search Fields
Contributor Filters
- Contributor Type: Select the category of donor (individual, business, committee, etc.)
- Individual: Finding personal donations from residents
- Committee: Tracking PAC-to-PAC transfers
- Business: Monitoring corporate influence
- Labor Organization: Following union support patterns
- Contribution Type: Choose the form of contribution (monetary, in-kind, loan, etc.)
- Monetary: Standard cash/check donations
- In-Kind: Finding donated office space, campaign materials
- Loan: Identifying candidates self-funding their campaigns
- Fundraiser: Tracking ticket sales for campaign events
- Last Name/Business Name/Committee Name: Enter the contributor's name
- Last Name: Finding all donations from the "Smith" family
- Business Name: Tracking "Detroit Construction Co" and variations
- Committee Name: Following "Better Detroit PAC" donations
- First Name: For individual contributors only
- Occupation Title: Search by contributor's job title
- Tracking donations from all "attorneys" or "developers"
- Employer: Filter by where contributors work
- Finding all employees from "General Motors" or "DTE Energy"
Committee and Office Information
- Committee ID:
- When you have the exact ID from another report
- Following a specific candidate's funding across elections
- Cross-referencing between different filing periods Receiving Committee:
- Finding all donations to a specific campaign
- Comparing donations between rival candidates
- Tracking support for ballot initiatives Office Type/Office/District:
- Office Type: Filter by type of office (mayor, council, etc.)
- Office: Select specific office within the chosen type
- District: Track donations in specific geographic areas Committee ID: Enter specific committee identifier if known
Time and Amount Filters
- Reporting Year: Select the year of interest
- Reporting Period: Defaults to current period, can be changed
- Date Range: Set custom start and end dates. Helps when searching for donations around specific events
- Amount Range: Search for contributions within specific dollar amounts
Special Filters
- Out of State Contributions: Check this box to see only non-Michigan donors
- Tracking outside influence in local elections
- Identifying non-resident business interests
Common Combined Searches
- Amount + Date Range + Employer:
- Finding end-of-quarter corporate donations over $1000
- Contributor Type + Office + District:
- Tracking PAC money in specific council districts
- Occupation + Amount + Out of State:
- Finding large donations from non-local developers
- Date Range + Contribution Type + Committee:
- Tracking in-kind donations during final campaign weeks
Name and Employer Search Strategies
For Contributor Names:
- Try multiple spelling variations (e.g., "Steve," "Steven," "Stephen")
- Test different name formats:
- "McDonald" and "MacDonald"
- "O'Brien" and "OBrien"
- Use partial names to catch variations
For Employer Names:
- Try different versions of company names including abbreviations:
- "General Motors," "GM," "General Motors Corporation"
- "Blue Cross," "BCBS," "Blue Cross Blue Shield"
- Try adding and removing spaces ("G M," "B C B S")
- Search parent company and subsidiary names separately
Pro Tips:
- Do multiple searches with different variations
- Start with broader name segments to catch all variations
- Keep track of which variations you've tried